varsity jc teen programs

Teen Programs

Varsity boys

Chestnut Lake's Varsity (rising 9th and 10th grades), Leadership Training ("LT" for rising 11th grade), and Junior Counselor ("JC" for rising 12th grade) programs offer teens the opportunity to enjoy an incredible summer of fun and friendship, elevate their profile in the camp community, learn and use skills to guide others and grow as a person, develop and apply leadership, experience off-site trips together with their friends, and prepare for the challenges of high school and beyond.

Varsity-1 (9th grade) & Varsity-2 (10th grade)

The Varsity program gives teens (for our 4, 3, or 7-week sessions) a summer of awesome moments and excitement, increased independence, and a chance to make a deeper impression on the community by taking on leadership and enhanced responsibility.

Trip Fees Varsity-1 estimated at $750-$1,000/Session
Varsity-2 estimated at $1,500-$2,000/Session

LT (11th grade)

The LT program (available for a 4-week option only) is for selected former Varsity-1 or Varsity-2 participants and is intended to inspire, teach, and provide opportunities for leadership to rising 11th-graders while at camp. LTs will work with campers, support specialty activity areas, travel for single and multi-day trips (including one extended trip for at least 5 days), train for leadership roles, and engage in meaningful service to the community.

Trip Fees LT estimated at $1,500-$2,250/Session

JC (12th grade)

Our JC program (available for a 6-week option only) is for former CLC teen leaders who have completed at least a portion of the Varsity/LT program options and have been selected from a competitive pool of candidates. JCs will live with campers and counselors in many ways resembling staff while still able to enjoy a program with training, trips, and support to allow them to complete this transitional year between camp participant and camp leader prior to joining our staff the following year. JCs will receive an honorarium at the conclusion of the summer.

Trip Fees JC estimated at $750-$1,000/Session

For more information, please contact our camp office at 516-221-8800 or

Junior Counselor
Tree CLC License Plate Sticker CLC Dreams